About the LPS Qubit Collaboratory
To boldly go where no qubit has gone before.
Quantum Information Science emerges from the intersection of quantum mechanics and information science and promises new forms of computing, sensing, and networks.
In the Fall of 2018, Agencies and offices across the federal government, including LPS, came together to write a National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science. Shortly thereafter, the National Quantum Initiative Act legislated new QIS Research Centers, a quantum industry consortium, and new coordinating bodies (see quantum.gov). The National Defense Authorization Acts of 2019 and 2020 called for a Department of Defense Quantum Information Science Program in support of the national effort, including designation of DOD QIS Research Centers.
In November 2020, NSA announced the LPS Qubit Collaboratory (LQC) as a national-level QIS Research Center in support of the NQI.

About the LQC Logo
The LPS Qubit Collaboratory logo symbolizes LQC’s mission through a variety of interpretations:
1. The outer circles represent physical qubits in a solid-state device, and the arcs represent the physical connections between qubits. The layout is reminiscent of the surface code.
2. The outer circles and arcs depict four people holding hands around a square table, signifying collaboration. The four corners represent government, academia, industry, and non-profits.