How the LPS Qubit Collaboratory Works
An innovative model for collaborative research with the government.
The LQC offers a mechanism for collaborative research between LPS and academia, industry, FFRDCs, and Government Laboratories to advance foundational and transformative research on challenging problems that have hindered progress in quantum information processing and associated technologies.

If you want to engage with the LQC:
1. Understand our mission to:
- Pursue disruptive fundamental research and enabling technologies with a focus on qubit development for quantum computing and other applications (such as sensing);
- Build a quantum workforce through research experiences and innovative training in government at LPS and at LQC partners; and
- Grow deep, collaborative partnerships to tackle the most difficult and relevant long-term problems for quantum information science and technology.
2. Read the LQC Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)! If you have any questions, please send an email to
The BAA offers three ways to engage:
- Incubator and sabbatical opportunities (usually the first step)
- Collaboratory proposals
- QuaCR Research Fellowship proposals
3. Appreciate our Core Values to:
- Maintain our scientific integrity in everything we do;
- Create a research environment of trust, respect, and open communication;
- Choose the hard problems over the easy ones and pursue the technical challenges that others put off;
- Work hard and be kind.
4. Read more about our Research Thrusts
Finally, seek out LQC Open Positions and Contact Us for more information.